Tag Archives: James Project of Latin America

James Project of Latin America

The day came to pass the baton on to the new administrators of the James Project of Latin America (JPoLA). I felt like I was being caught up in a dream as we moved through the simple ceremony. Our team, the house parents, and the children of the Project knew the Applegates, and they readily accepted them as CEOs. I marveled at the ease everything moved forward.

However, concerns and questions began flying in my mind. I sought the Lord about my future. He had called me to Guatemala, and after fourteen years of ministry, I wondered if I should stay or move elsewhere. When I left Montana to come to Guatemala, I made a permanent move. I closed the door behind me by selling or giving everything away. I had no home. Now I questioned if I should go to another location.

I struggled with my thoughts, waiting for the Lord to show me what my next venture would be. I tried to focus on the idea that I didn’t have to go to the office every day. I could finally live my dream. I could sleep in as long as I wanted, have a leisurely morning, enjoy my coffee, and have a long devotional time—in my pajamas. That’s not what happened. My body wouldn’t cooperate, and I woke up at 5:00 a.m., leaving me with a full day of wondering what to do with myself.

I felt an impression in my spirit that I wasn’t finished in Monjas or at the orphanage yet. People around me stated the hope that I would remain. They felt that the founder still had a significant role to play. I didn’t know what that meant, but I trusted that the Lord would reveal His plan to me soon.

Gradually, I adjusted to the new circumstances of my life and continued living among the people I loved. Opportunities for volunteer work opened up, and I became involved without having to carry the stress of an administrator.

One afternoon, a girl who had lived in the orphanage for ten years came to my house and frantically said, “Mama Carroll, I don’t like who I am, and I want to change. Please help me.”

This request was quite a tall order, but I knew Who would be able to help her with the transformation. I needed to be in tune with the Lord’s leading and draw upon the teaching I received through healing ministry courses. Another door had opened for ministry, and I took her through counseling sessions. I became available for ministry with other girls too.Photo-0038_2

When I reflected how the hand of God had moved to bring together this place of refuge for children and a help for widows, I stood amazed. He entrusted us with a great responsibility for these lives even when we did not know how to accomplish such a task. He gave us what we needed when we needed it. I read the Scriptures and a message stood out to me: “I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever: with my mouth [pen] will I make known thy faithfulness to all generations” (Psalm 89:1). Through my experiences, I could share with others how God took a design and turned it into a ministry to help hundreds of hurting children. I began to write a memoir of my involvement in one of God’s grand plans.

God had a plan for me to continue at James Project of Latin America and showed me a path to follow. My heart is full because I am close to my baby and involved in the lives of these precious children.