Monthly Archives: January 2019

A Blessed Year


  We stood in the cool breeze shaking our heads. Didn’t the kids finish the school term a few weeks ago? We continued to ride the zip line of time and today was the first day at Liberty Christian School. The director, Carina Aguilar, took up the theme that the children were blessed to have an opportunity for education. That went over the heads of many. I thought about the freedom they inherited to be able to attend school. People paid for that freedom with their blood, sacrifice, and through tribulation. My prayers went up that the population present at this open ceremony would see and feel the depth of the word “blessed.”
Statistics show 54% of the Guatemalan population is below the poverty line. The literacy rate for those over 15 years of age is about 75%. Guatemala places the lowest overall in Central America. The students at LCS have the opportunity to change those statistics and make a difference in this country. They walk in the blessing for this chance to fulfill such a destiny.


                                 Teachers and Staff

                              Excited Kindergarteners