Tag Archives: children home fire

Children’s Home Fire

It stunned many of us to hear about the Children’s Home fire in Guatemala. The tragedy that took the lives of 40 youth with an expected increase due to the severity of the injuries. The reports stated that the kids rebelled against the abuses in this state run Home. Those in-charge of the girls locked them in a dorm room. During the night of March 8, over 50 other kids ran away. Out of desperation, some of the girls decided to set fire to mattresses, but the fire got out of hand and they couldn’t escape because of the locked door.

Hogar Seguro Virgen de la Asunción functioned as a Home for needy children and for teens in conflict with the law.That meant gang members lived with children rescued from abusive situations. What justice is there to mix adolescents involved in criminal activity with youngsters needing a refuge? One count states 785 young people were crammed into a facility established to serve 400. The atrocities at this particular Home didn’t go unnoticed, but nobody took a stand to investigate the allegations of girls being raped, kids starving, lack of sanitation, and physical abuse. All being crammed into a facility for less than half the population. These kids cried out for help and nobody listened until they took extreme measures.

Investigations have brought forth questions as to what really happened. For example, the girls burned wore pajamas leading to the idea they did not intend to runaway so why lock the door? Pray that truth will be revealed and steps of correction can take place.


The cry for justice goes forth with the question, “What can we do to help these children?” Shadow of His Wings Orphanage will receive 20. Many of the orphanages in Guatemala are making room for more children. That brings us to another situation. With the influx of kids, the monthly budget increases. For Shadow and 20 more kids, the monthly increase is estimated to be $2,500. Orphanages are like us and depend upon faithful donors. This is one of the biggest ways caring people can help along with prayer. People can donate to individual Homes to curb the rising cost each faces. Those orphanages have sites on internet.

Another option for help is through a ministry called Orphan Resources International. This group of people receive donations and contribute these items to area orphanages. Shadow has received ministry and been blessed by them for fifteen years. Dennis Freed, a member of this group and director of Fundaninos, wrote the following March 10, 2017.

“We currently serve 50 privately run orphanages. Some of those orphanages, already full, will be taking more children in from this government ran home making the need for food and general necessities even higher. We need to raise approx. $25,000 to meet the needs of these children. Please consider giving on our Go fund me account – It is these children’s time to have a second chance, and we want you to be a part of it along with us. These children deserve it. Please consider giving to our budget for the additional children arriving with severe needs to at these orphanages.”

You can give through our website if you wish to receive a receipt.

If you cannot give financially, please join us in prayer!

Another option for helping these children is through the sponsorship program. Lives are changed when the children know there are people who care. This opportunity provides direct contact with a child while helping with their needs. We at Shadow hear many testimonies from the children sponsored and the sponsors themselves about the value and blessing for this type of program. Check out the following links for more information.

Sponsorship Info: www.sohwo.org/sponsor-a-child/ or https://www.facebook.com/sohwo

People are taking action to help these children and to make sure history does not repeat itself. Pray for these people that the Lord will fill them with wisdom and guidance. The answers don’t come easy, but I believe what the enemy intended for evil, God will use for a good .

A newsletter from Casa Bernebe, an orphanage close to Hogar Seguro, wrote the following: “In the hours following this tragedy, the Christian Alliance for Orphans in Guatemala released a video via social media, and this resulted in an executive level meeting with the First Lady at the Presidential Palace. Additionally, our own social worker David McCormick was invited to participate in a top-level meeting with the Supreme Court and other directors of government entities to discuss what needs to happen next.”

It’s a matter of team work and we all can have a part in it according to our abilities. Join us in ministry to the neglected and hurting children of Guatemala. Pray that there will never be a need for a Children’s Home fire to get the attention of those who can make a difference.