Spiritual Warfare

Many of the children who come to Shadow of His Wings were subjected to witchcraft or Satanism in some form or another. Some participated in rituals, some went to a witch for healing, and many were born into a family of occult participation. I understood that these situations existed and trusted in the Lord when He said He would set the captives free. I wanted to see that happen and sought to understand the weapons of warfare that God gave us for victory.

It is no secret that there is the manifestation of the demonic all over third-world countries. The door for this to happen in the orphanage burst wide open. One of the craziest times happened while I lay on my sick bed. I slept hard after taking medication but sat up straight when a volunteer worker pounded on the bedroom door. “Mama Carroll, come quickly, we need your help.” I flew out of bed, knowing nobody would bother me unless something serious happened.

What I saw when I ran down the concrete steps did not surprise me. I’d seen similar situations here and in other places. My eyes scanned the girls below but zeroed in on one in particular. She glanced at me and then went into action with twisting and screaming on the concrete. This was a big mistake for her! Another girl with empty-looking eyes foamed at the mouth, while she writhed back and forth. These scenes were similar to the biblical description of someone possessed. Lord, I need you to help me know what to do here. Cover us and protect us. You are in control, not the enemy. A third girl jumped over the six-foot wall and disappeared into the foliage below.

I grabbed the hand of the first girl and put her in time-out because of her drama act. I knew that when she looked at me as I came down the stairs that she had faked everything. She imitated what she saw and wanted a piece of the action. Sure enough, she walked up the stairs with me, as normal as could be, realizing she had been busted.

Then I grabbed my phone, a picture of the girl who had jumped the wall, and car keys off my desk. I called the other founder to come to the orphanage, got in my car, and drove up and down the streets looking for this girl. I showed the picture to the guards at the entrance of our area, asking if they had seen her. Their reply of “no” and not seeing any signs of her made the search seem futile, so I went back to the house. Joanne had the vomiting girl back to her senses and calm. Lord, help me find the other girl. She’s not in her right mind. I then noticed girls pointing down below the six-foot wall. The missing girl stood with one of the guards who had seen her picture. I rejoiced all the way around the outside of the house to the dazed and glassy-eyed girl. He looked at me suspiciously but let me take her hand, and I led her back into the house. Within a few minutes, she came out of her trance remembering nothing that happened. I looked at the wall and the slope behind it, and I marveled at how she could jump down, land in the bushes, and not have a scratch on her.

What you have just read is a common occurrence in this country. Being on spiritual alert is a big part of a mission here. The best part of this is God has given us the power and authority to overcome such situations. I found myself in another major learning experience, but instead of being fearful, something rose up within me to face the enemy and protect these children. My bravery came from the fact that I had the Lord Jesus Christ with me every step of the way. All of us at the orphanage were ready to fight for the children, and it was a fight of victory.

1 thought on “Spiritual Warfare

  1. Dannie

    You have dealt tastefully and sensitively with this most unpleasant aspect of ministering to kids all over the world so steeped in darkness. I’m glad you and your team are there for the girls and boys of Shadow.


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